More about bees
In "Waggle This Way", Bee comes from a beehive in a tree, where the temperature inside is regulated by the honeybees. Did you know that a honeybee born at a lower than ideal brood nest temperature will likely have less exact communication skills and a weaker memory than her sister born at a higher, more ideal temperature?
Following a waggle dance teaches other honeybee foragers the way to a worthwhile food source. What other dances do honeybees perform? The round dance is for food sources nearby and the tremble dance communicates that a food source is finished.
Learning facts such as these sparked ideas for the story of Bee.
To find out more about honeybees, as a start I recommend "The Buzz About Bees: Biology of a Superorganism" by Jürgen Tautz, photographs by Helga R. Heilmann. As someone outside the scientific community I find this book informative and engaging.